
Hello, welcome to History Held Close (HHC) comments and blog. We will explore moments in history, pull them close and see how we might learn from those who were in the “spotlight,” even though they held the same passions, fears, joys and hopes as we do. We love to look back on key moments in our past and see how they might instruct us. How they might have altered the times that breathed with them.

HHC is excited to share these works on the website and to get your input. Although our initial thoughts will be connected with the three scripts on this site, we hope to expand that in the future. Please connect to our Blog and receive updates along the way. The popular writer, David McCullough, once wrote “History is who we are and why we are the way we are.” There is a deep measure of truth in those words. Come along for “the ride” and help us explore how we mirror what went before but still seek to reach further. Understanding holds the key.